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The Happy Skein
29 juin 2005

Introduction: In the Beginning...

No, I am not going to write the Bible... I am just going to start with the cats that were on the farm when we moved in (Fall 2002). Winty: male, white with striped spots. We haven't seen him in months. Snicker Sr.: Black and White. We haven't seen him...
1 février 2006

Fiber stash

Thanks to my spinning mentor Elaine I am now the proud owner of my own fiber stash. This is what I acquired: 1/2 white fleece (unknown breed), 1/2 colored Romney fleece (Elaine said that it didn't behave like typical Romney though), some black, roomit...
29 juin 2005

Introduction: Spring 2003

Of course all those cats had kittens in the spring... Tiger had some kittens in April 2003. We don't know which ones. Pat also had some kittens in April 2003. We know that she is the mother of Gladys and Cletus. Gladys: female (now spayed), all white...
29 juin 2005

Introduction: Summer and Fall 2003

Well, we slowly trapped and had those cats fixed, but before we could do everybody, Stacy had more kittens in August 2003. She had a total of seven then, but one died on September 2003. The others are: Tick: female (spayed), tiger striped. Sadly Tick...
1 juillet 2005

Introduction: Spring 2004, the birth of Apollo

Twenty-Five had eight kittens on August 4, 2004. She had them under the bench which is on our kitchen porch. She eventually moved them inside the workshop. They were all black and white and except for one, they all had more black than white. They were...
1 juillet 2005

Introduction: Fall 2004

I guess I forgot to mention that sometime in 2003 Snicker Jr. appeared. We named her Snicker Jr. because she looks very like Snicker. We thought that she was a male, until she started putting on weight very quickly... So Snicker Jr. had four kittens in...
9 septembre 2005


Remember the cat we named "Apollo's girlfriend"? Well, this was not a name, especially considering that she had nothing to do with Apollo, so we eventually named her "Creme". She was really pretty, with long white hair and a touch of brown and black on...
4 novembre 2005

Need some kittens?

Yesterday morning Snickers came on the porch for breakfast and with her were two tiny fur balls... she had brought two of her babies with her. I wonder if she only has two or if there are more... I think that all the critters around here know that we...
28 juin 2005

First Knitting Post - Trying to summarize WIP

Well, as usual I've got a few things currently on my needles, and I am sure I am going to forget some... The top priority project (or should I say projects) is two cardigans. They are for our neighbor's twin daughters who are about to celebrate their...
5 janvier 2006


Thank you all for your kind words about Mars. I still miss him a lot. And as I think about him, I also looked back at this past year. 2005 hasn't been a good year for our furry children: we started the year by losing Bob on January 1st and ended it by...
6 janvier 2006

Books - Livres

Since I have a fair amount of books, I started an online catalog through the Library Thing . I haven't added all my books yet and I've only added knitting books so far. But it's a start and at least if you see a book there, then I have it. Of course,...
28 mars 2006


I found this on Alice's blog. It was back in December 2005, but it still works... 1. Go to 2. Type in "failure" 3. Click "I'm feeling lucky" J'ai trouvé ceci sur le blog d'Alice. C'était au mois de Décembre 2005, mais ça marche toujours......
22 avril 2006


Last night was very sad. When we got home, we found Stacy in the middle of the road in front of the house, dead. She had been hit by a car. We miss her a lot! She never let us touch her but we still love her. Hier soir fut très triste. Lorsque nous sommes...
9 juin 2006

Where was I ? - Où en étais-je ?

Just as I felt that things were going back to normal (if there is such a thing) after our five day vacation, we had to leave again! ME's grand-father died on Tuesday (May 30), the viewing was on Thurday and the funeral on Friday. Considering that it is...
21 novembre 2005

Pictures! - Photos!

Pictures! - Photos!
As I am trying to catch up with technology, I finally acquired a digital camera. Of course my first victim was: Apollo! I'll try and learn how this new "toy" works and hopefully get more pictures soon...
26 mai 2006

Basil and Abner's Critter Charity Drive

Basil and Abner's Critter Charity Drive
Rebekah started the Basil and Abner's Critter Charity Drive (you can read the details on her blog). This reminded me that a couple of months ago I wrote a pattern for a crocheted mouse which made a perfect cat toy. I have added the instructions to my...
1 décembre 2005


Today's "victim" is ... Noemie! Noemie is the sister of Six Toe (see yesterday). Like her brother, Noemie likes to snuggle in Me's arms (yes, same cardigan, but although not inside it): Doesn't she look comfortable? Looks like she is going to fall as...
31 décembre 2005


This is the only picture of Mars I have. I found Mars dead in front of the house when I got up this morning. He was killed on the road. Mars, we love you and miss you.
4 mars 2008


M&M is no more. He had disappeared about a month ago and last night ME found his remains. He is now in peace with his brother Mars. M&M n'est plus. Il avait disparu il y a environ un mois et hier soir ME a trouvé ses restes. Il est maintenant en paix...
12 juillet 2005

More darkness

Well, apparently even when I am knitting I don't move enough for the sensor! I was knitting in my office during lunch and the light went out!!
1 juillet 2005

It's Friday!!

Finally Friday is here!! Not much happened this week. We got more rain on Wednesday, which is good for the garden (except that the weeds like it too). This morning was very foggy. Me is coming home tonight and I am picking him up at the station around...
7 juillet 2005

Yarn !

My order from Bergère de France arrived on Tuesday! I’m glad I got some of the Cotonature. It feels nice and soft; reminds me of terry cloth although it doesn’t look like it. I am going to make myself a summer top with it.
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