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The Happy Skein
29 mars 2007


Max was one of Snickers' kittens born in March 2006. In August, we noticed that something was wrong with his back leg, he was limping and appeared to be wounded. We decided to take him to the vet, but since like his mom and siblings he was wild, we had...
5 juillet 2007

Part 2 - Provence

Part 2 - Provence
Je dois dire que ça m'a bien réchauffé le coeur de voir que vous étiez encore intéressé de lire à propos de ma vie ennuyeuse, ou du moins que vous étiez prêts à prendre le temps de me laisser un commentaire :) Je vous en remercie beaucoup ! I must say...
14 juillet 2007


In order to help you wait while I finish writing the end of the story of our trip , I am showing you a picture of my latest work: Afin de vous aider à attendre pendant que je finis d'écrire la fin du récit de notre voyage , je vous montre une photo de...
18 juillet 2007

Part 4 - End

Part 4 - End
After that wonderful weekend in the Cévennes, we headed for Toulouse. Again, we weren't sure what was the best way to go and we took the back roads to Carcassonne. Carcassonne is a well known fortified town and it is even an UNESCO site (
24 juillet 2007

Couleurs - Colors

Couleurs - Colors
The weekend before last, I dyed some wool. I did five different colors: dark purple, red, light purple, light blue and turquoise. I didn't have anything in mind when I started. I carded the colors separately, then I started mixing them. I had very roughly...
25 mai 2006

Five days in paradise - Cinq jours au paradis

Yep, I think that's a good way to sum up last week! ME and I spent the week at The Mannings learning how to weave. May 20 is our anniversary and this year we wanted to do something different. Since we are both interested in weaving, we figured that taking...
28 juin 2005

First Day & Bergère de France order

Me got on the train this morning around 9:00 as he is starting his assignment tomorrow. After dropping him off I went to work. Not much going on there. We had our monthly division meeting, but nothing new there either. I place my order with Bergère de...
7 juillet 2005

Tock came home!

Yes, Tock came home last night!! She was “talking” a lot, growling at everybody, attacking anything that moved… and sometimes that didn’t move, she ate two cans of food… in short, the normal Tock! She swiped at Noemie who was just walking by and Noemie...
7 juillet 2005

Need more socks?

A yarn company (Opal) is going to release a limited edition of sock yarn and will donate part of the proceeds in support of the rain forest. You can see them at the following address: I kind of like the...
12 juillet 2005


For energy conservation purposes, they are putting the lights on motion sensors at work. They put one in my office yesterday morning. The problem is that if I am working at my desk or on my computer, I guess I am not moving enough so eventually the light...
12 juillet 2005

Guild meeting

Last night was our monthly knitting guild meeting. There wasn't too many people there (I believe a total of 8) but we still had fun. I played the "knitting doctor" and rescued several dropped stitches. It sounds like I am getting the reputation of being...
7 novembre 2005

Kittens Update

Well, it looks like there are a total of four kittens. They come to the kitchen porch to eat and it looks like they are now living under the front porch (I guess it's a lot closer to the food source!). I was able to hold one of them, but they usually...
16 novembre 2005

Comments - Commentaires

Can you tell I am still learning how this thing works? People left me some comments and I didn't even realize it and they weren't showing... Then I just realized that the option "moderate comments" was on (I didn't even know it existed). So I apologize...
22 novembre 2005

Baby Blanket Pattern - Patron pour Couverture Bébé

Since I was asked about the Baby Blanket, I figured I'd try and write the pattern for it. Hopefully it makes sense! Please let me know if you find any mistakes. Puisqu'on m'a demandé à propos de la couverture de bébé, j'ai décidé d'essayer d'en écrire...
10 janvier 2006

Observations of a new spinner

Following are a few observations I have made since I started spinning about a month ago. They are in no particular order and won't be of any help to experienced spinners but might give aspiring spinners an idea of what they are about to get themselves...
28 février 2006

Sad - Triste

Last night was pretty bad: one kitten was hit and killed by a car. He was one of Snicker's kitten . He didn't have any name, but it doesn't mean that he wasn't loved. I can't help but love and get attached to every cat or kitten that come to our porch....
7 juillet 2005

The maple tree is gone :(

Well, Me arrived Friday evening as planned. We ate at our favorite Italian restaurant before coming home. We got home to find out that the maple tree to the east of the house was down. It broke at the base. There must have been some pretty strong wind...
26 mai 2006

How to wind a hank of yarn into a ball in a few easy steps

You will need the following equipment: The hank of yarn you want to wind, A couch to sit on, A ball winder (optional, you can also do it by hand), A coffee table in front of couch (if you are using a ball winder), Protective clothing, Soap and water,...
9 juin 2006

Mice and Cats - Souris et Chats

Mice: I have translated my pattern for the crocheted mouse in French and it can be found there. I hope it's OK because I haven't crocheted from a pattern written in French in a long time. Now, I just have to remember to take a picture to show you what...
3 juillet 2006

Shetland questions

Merci de la part de ME pour vos souhaits d'anniversaire! Thank you from ME for your birthday wishes! Merci pour vos commentaires sur ma laine Shetland! Je vois que mon mouton vous a beaucoup plus. C'est vrai qu'il est unique! C'était un cadeau d'anniversaire...
13 mars 2007


It is with great sadness that I inform you that Pat passed away Saturday night. With Stacy, she was one of the cats already here when we moved in. We don't know what she died of. She wasn't hit by a car, nor ever showed signs of sickness or injury. She...
2 juillet 2007

De retour ! Back!

Je suis de retour ! Oui, je sais, vous n'étiez pas tous au courant que j'étais partie... Mais de temps en temps, il faut rendre visite à sa famille et comme la mienne habite en France, c'est là que nous (ME et moi) sommes allés. Donc, après avoir laissé...
30 août 2007

Not fast enough - Pas assez vite

Obviously, I haven't been knitting fast enough lately. I ran out of yarn!I am knitting a square shawl in the round. Sounds suspicious right there, doesn't it? But no, be reassured, it works.Anyway, I had three balls of yarn for the shawl. Upon finishing...
7 juillet 2014

5 years later - I still love my sheep !!!

As I am struggle with Facebook (I am on dial up and cannot get Facebook to load at home), I remembered that once upon a time, I had a blog. It is moving slow, but at least I can write something (don't know about posting pictures yet). The flock has slowly...
29 juin 2005

First Night and Second Day

This is going to be tough to come up with titles!!! I had to stay late at work last night to make up the time since I came in late in the morning. The good thing about this was that traffic wasn't too bad leaving work.Toni and Luther insisted on riding...
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